Tuesday, June 22, 2010

True Confessions Tuesday

ugh I have a lissssssssssssssssssst! but I won't bore you w/the gories.. just the major slips
  1. I have eaten homemade (w/sweetened condenced milk) macaroni salad 5 times since I made it Friday night!
  2. sometimes it was THE meal for me
  3. I am only getting 64oz of water thru most days since last Thursday.
  4. daily breakfast is still a frappuccino
  5. I am sabatoging my own success... why???????????????
  6. I hate being addicted to caffeine
  7. but I still go back
  8. I am only doing the dog walks as my exercise. .5 mile=not enough to make a difference
  9. I don't record what I eat-maybe I should
  10. My latest facination?! canning! too bad the USDA forbids me from feeding any of it to my cc kids! BOO!
what are your confessions this week?? post them in the comments please!!!


Unknown said...


What are you canning???

Can you turn your frappuccino into a coffee smoothie with some banana and protein powder and make it work for you a bit?? I am going to be trying these very soon as I also have an undying love for coffee. http://www.joythebaker.com/blog/2010/06/coffee-smoothie-every-which-way/

KFC macaroni salad is my kryptonite.

Unknown said...

WOW what a great comment!!! :) thanks for sharing!!

my first canning experiment will be next week --seedless raspberry jam :) then this fall I hope to have enough cukes & tomatoes & peppers for pickles & salsa :)

I had NOT heard of using them in smoothies! I am so all over it!! thanks!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I love making home made salsa. I hope the 10 tomato plants I have in my garden produce for me!

Pickles are dead easy to make and very satisfying for a new canner.

Unknown said...


I have 8 tomato plants & my husband has 19 pepper plants :) maybe some pepper jelly too....

I just might be picking your brain come canning time !:) thanks for the comments!!

GreenRanchingMom said...

So want to hear more about the House Party!!

What if you freeze your veggies? Can you use them then??

Unknown said...

OH GOSH!!! the House Party was AMAZING!!! I felt like a sponge trying to soak up every little tid bit they were willing to share!!
Julia for sharing her homemade jams from violets & mulberries, a homemade juice bag (to get the juice out for seedless jams) & her home w/us!
we also discussed/learned/taught about chicken raising/butchering, canning & homemade compost bins, gardening & many life experiences . I could go on & on!!!

I can served frozen as long as its not considered 'canned' in anyway :) soooooooooooo everythign will be frozen for childcare ;))

Unknown said...

Hm, my confession is about overeating on my blog. I've never canned anything but then again I don't grow anything that I can can.

Unknown said...

thanks for the comment!! over eating is something I am slowly getting under control... now the snacking needs to go :)