Thursday, December 20, 2012

right now..

so excited to see SNOW on the ground! after very little last year, this is awesome!
hearing the kids watching the Grinch movie
still saddened from the terrifying events in Newtown.
finding today easier than I had feared.
appreciating a small group today.
planning a lot of activities for tomorrow just in case its another snow day.
beginning worry about the status of my December Daily book.
drinking Snowflake coffee like its going out of style.
loving having the tree lights on all day every day.
making plans with the lake family for New Year's Eve.
checking the mail every day in anticipation of more Christmas cards.
prepping myself for a second snow day tomorrow. to kick off Christmas break.
looking forward  to having a couple of family days next week.
watching -in disbelief- as this baby grows right before my eyes.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

so jealous of your snow. Merry Christmas!!!!!