Monday, September 12, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

a couple of notes about my menu:
*Breakfast, Lunch &Snacks are childcare meals that I usually eat too.  *fried green beans= a bit of bacon grease in cast iron skillet, green beans & granulated garlic fried together until tenderness of choice

Breakfasts: build your own burrito, pancakes w/homemade mulberry syrup(2 days), whole grain toast w/peanut butter & homemade grape jam, homemade cinnamon rolls, each served w/a fruit or veggy.

Lunches: chicken from the crockpot, ground beef(2 days),  homemade mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, corn, fried green beans, shredded beef, fried potatoes, chicken & noodles,  assorted fruits

Snacks: fruit plate, veggie tray, pizza rolls, cheesy quesadillas, ice cream cones(Friday treat)

Suppers: breakfast casserole from Freezer Swap Group, beef roast w/veggies in the crockpot, roast shredded into sandwiches,  hamburgers on the grill, chicken & noodles

what's on your menu this week?

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