Monday, July 25, 2011

Lovin' it

Summer that is! We are really lovin it!! Last week was incredibly HOT as well as incredibly BUSY!!

Monday & Tuesday we hung out @ the house & just worked on getting back into our routine, baked some homemade granola, caught up the laundry, & played in the water -LOTS!

Wednesday our local theater had special showings of Cars 2. We chose the 10AM viewing as the 2PM would be smack in the middle of nap time & I am not one to interrupt nap time!

Thursday we visited the County Fair.  I was in 4H&FFA & can say 'it ain't what it used to be' but we still had fun!!

Friday was our regularly scheduled Event Day.  This week we went to the eye doctor.  I have to admit, it was way more fun & educational than I anticipated!! :)  They each got the near/far sighted exam & then got to look @ each other's eyeballs under the microscope, pretty entertaining!  We all walked out w/'eyeball rings' too!

Every day upon returning there were some faithfuls that went right out to thewater play! We hope that this week is a little less busy & a little cooler too.

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