Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Discovering: that my line drying addiction shouldn't control my laundry habits. some days it must be done & dried in the dryer-being ok w/NOT being an all or nothing factor HELPS.

Training for: Des Moines half marathon in October by running several days/week w/friends as well as keeping up on 5k races that pop up thru the summer.
the friends that also ran the Indianola Osprey Race this spring.

Loving: that some of my little garden experiments are working even tho some are not.

Enjoying: the summer with out any itty bitties in care.  No bottles to pack on walks, trips or events.
Wishing: the weather was a bit more summer like. Its fluctuated from spring to a dab of summer then right on to fall in the past month.
Counting: down the weekends until our next boating trip. Love our boating family.

Shopping: the farmer's markets as much as possible! I have done the Des Moines Downtown Market twice, our local Clarke County Market a couple of times,  as well as being lucky to happen upon the Grinnell Market on Saturday.

Eating: as much as possible from the grill.
Learning: how to make, use, perserve from our environment. Step 1: mulberry syrup.

1 comment:

Farmgirl Chaos said...

Well, I think you will have your 'summer weather' here starting tomorrow! You are excited.....I am NOT! :)