Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Hump Day!!!


the past 2 days have been light kid days! Monday meant I got some extra laundry & cleaning done while they played or napped.  Tuesday meant I was able to work on editing all crop forms over from the spring PTCO crop to the fall Scrap Pink crop! & to be sure that no one is wondering what I did w/the kids during all of this time, they did eat their regularly scheduled meals & snacks, played w/play dough, danced to 3 music cds, & did yoga! :)   today I will have about 8 kids & a helper so hopefully the weather will stay dry so we can WALK!!! PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAASE let it stay dry for this morning at least!! tomorrow we are hoping to visit the county fair grounds & then field trip Friday is to the animal shelter!  our summer is definitely busy!

Yesterday I went the farmer's market & spent the most I have spent this year.  I spent $17. I got a pound of roma tomatoes & 3 big ones, a green pepper, a dozen ears of peaches & cream, a splurge of a plate of snickerdoodle cookies & 2 really long skinny burp less cucumbers.  it sure didn't feel like much but those tomatoes really add up :)

the running & eating right combined to the water consistency intake has been good to me!! I am finally seeing a drop on weigh in day (usually my drop is over the weekend then Monday morning I gain it all back & it stays thru the week). I am giddy that I am down 10 since April 1!!  tonight is running night & I actually look fwd to it!

WOW it took a while to get this weekend figured out!! our normal lake is 1 foot under emergency flood level so we  checked into a different lake, going online we finally figured out that they only had one reservable campsite left near a boat ramp. SOOOO after a semi-conference call(I called Lauren who was in the same room as Hupp who was on the phone w/Nick)  & decided to go back to ole reliable & if we can boat -great- & if not we will find other ways to amuse ourselves :) trails, playgrounds, water park, water play on closed boat ramps, shopping, sounds pretty relaxing to me!!! Now we just need to get thru the week!!! OH & find some dry firewood to take LOL

back in the scrap room last night! WOW that felt good!! I even thought about finishing the project from April that's been laying unfinished. but I was too busy settling the weekend plans  to focus.  Maybe tonight after running, supper, & loading wood.


Brooke said...

sounds like you'remaking great progress!! :) sucks about the lake, but i'm sure you'll still have a blast.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10 since April! That's great progress! And I LOVE farmer's markets!! $17 sounds like a great deal for all that stuff you got! ;)