this program is AMAZING! *I* was not a runner. *I* hated cardio. *I* hated running & sweating & almost all things that made be breathe hard-get yer mind out the gutter, you know what I mean ;). but here I am to tell you that ANYONE can do this program!!! it is beyond words DO-ABLE! highly recommending it to all my friends & even people who aren't ;) pretty much anyone who will listen is getting the spiel!! if YOU are even thinking about getting in shape, taking time for yourself, or wanting to learn how to run distance, THIS IS THE PROGRAM FOR YOU!!!
I don't even remember why I started it, I just know I am on week 5 this week & LOOOOOOOOOOVING IT!!! I am even planning to run 2 5ks this fall! ai yi yi! ME, the non runner, non cardio, lazy girl. I KNOW! how crazy is this crap?! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am giddy w/the knowledge & confidence that I CAN DO IT! :) *contented sigh*
Week 5?! what?! seriously!? I have run 3 days a week for 4 consecutive weeks? GET THE HECK OUT!! i CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I am only gaining momentum as each week passes! definately loving THAT!
I am also learning how to eat to run. For a former anorexic, learning how to eat is a daily lesson in life. Funny how I can do great meals for the kids & others around me but feed myself crap & crumbs. Learning how to feed the runner I have become is definately a lesson in loving myself, & yes, I am finally learning to love myself. I think learning to run was my first step. It was a great one! so glad I tried it. I would never be here had it not been for the Sisterhood!!!
okie dokie.. now that this got way deeper than I had planned BUT good for the soul, I need to get on some breakfast for us all as we are headed to a park today for a morning full of play & a picnic lunch YAY!!!!!!!! HAVE A FANTASTIC THURSDAY!
*does the happy runner dance*
I am so proud of you. You have surpassed me, I'm going to be starting week 5 this weekend, needed a few extra days of week 4.
Keep are a runner now! Squuee!!!
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