Wednesday, June 30, 2010

HUMP DAY!!!!!!!!!

one day closer to the 4th of July!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!  my favorite holiday!! food, family & friends WHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO I AM READY!!!  Just want to pull out a few more decorations today or tonight & we will be set :)

sooooooo in whining about my lack of motivation, I was pointed to the couch to 5k program (thanks Mendie) & have heard TONS Of positives about it.. so decided (w/some gentle prodding from BROOKE) to just do it. no need to freak out (she says) HA.  well, guess what?! THEY BOTH ROCK!!! b/c I survived it & didn't puke (or even wanna!)WHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here's the proof Mendie-style :)

looooooooovely :)) hahahaha but oh so proud!!!

and then... We tended the garden & took the dogs on their .5miler (which totaled 3 miles for me for the day counting the c25k) we all should have slept like babies but unfortunately we were up 3x thru the night BOO! but we are all up & running this morning!

What's keeping you from achieving your goals?


Brooke said...

woot!!! you totally rock. now for week 1 day 2 :D

Unknown said...

geeeeze u r soooo pushy ;) j/k I love it!!!