Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday 3 & others...

over @ the Sisterhood they have a weekly Thursday three... I have never participated .. I have no idea why.. but I am going to start.. today :) "when I look in the mirror I like my... " name 3... here's the kicker.... POSITIVES of yourself in the mirror. OYE! why did I pick today to start I am asking myself.... ok ok.. thinking.... OH 1. my skin that is Sooooooooo much healthier, tight & softer when I drink my 96 oz of water every day :) ok that's a good start kim... only 2 more... 2. how much more alert my eyes are when I remember my vitamins (even just 2 nights in a row has helped a ton) 3. my (sometimes overly) expressive expressions :) I am not one that could talk w/her hands tied down nor can I listen or talk w/o mirroring it all in my face. *whew* I made it!! :)

ALSO over @ the Sisterhood, they are challenging everyone to do a mile.. walk, run, jog, whatever your level is do a mile :) I can proudly say that I did one this morning w/the child care .. it was almost painful, as they were C.R.A.B.B.Y. before we even left the house but we were going no matter what :) & we did & they are all sleeping now *sigh* I also plan to jog a mile on the treadmill tonight while watching the rest of Monday night's Castle online hehe

21 days: I got 96oz in yesterday YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! but only 3 of 5 f/v & then I DID remember to take my vitamins!!!!! DOUBLE YAY!!!! I didn't get any exercise all day tho as we opted for back yard time instead of our mile walk in the AM, then I had a provider appreciation dinner in the PM.

woops it is all about the sisterhood today! Not a bad thing! :)

other updates:

  • summer outings are coming together!
  • planning a Thursday in the Park for the local IAEYC including as many other like minded organizations/preschools/child cares as possible.
  • Totally loving the new fb group! keeping me motivated to get movin'

here's to a great rest of your Thursday!!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

hurrah for getting the whole crew out walking this morning!! :)