Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer :)

I love the change of seasons!! Each one has its own novelty that keeps is oh so special from the others (in Iowa anyway). Summer is our season of activity around here. Lawns need mowed, flower gardens need added to, weeded & loved, planters need freshened, the veggie garden needs tilled, planted & tended, outside projects GALORE! Not to mention our camping/boating weekends *dreamy sigh* Looooooooooooooooove them!!! With those fun weekends comes the prep, upkeep & planning of the boat & supplies on the off weekends & evenings. Our local Farmer's Market starts next Saturday!! Oh how I love the Farmer's Markets!! Summer also means no school so I have to try to keep the kids from getting bored. Last year, I was able to plan a few morning movies @ the local theater, this year I am planning weekly events! Every Friday we are going somewhere & doing something & during the week we are hitting at least one local park paired w/a picnic lunch! My favorite holiday is the 4th of July! I love the local parade, patriotic decorations, traveling carnival that comes to town, hosting my family BBQ after the parade & catching up w/Tim's family @ their annual gathering, fireworks, August brings the Iowa State Fair! With it's concerts, food, walking, animals, food, walking, art, food, walking, friends, food, walking, displays, food, walking, OK you get the picture! We used to joke that I eat my way thru it :) *whew* It really is no wonder I am ready for Fall when it arrives :)

Along w/all of this I have a 'few' special projects I'd like to complete sometime this summer. I have printed some plans from Knock off Wood I'd like to build, I'd like to disassemble & paint the handmedown desk I use in the childcare, I have a pile of frames in the hallway I'd like to hang, I'd love to get some color on these walls in the childcare, and I plan to explore at least 2 new farmer's markets. This is just a tiny list of 'want-to-do's' for this warm season ahead. This list I have on a jumbo stickie hanging on my calendar, you should see the master list I have in word :)

What are your summer plans? Please Share!

1 comment:

Farmgirl Chaos said...

May plans for the summer....just gonna try to keep myself afloat. My busiest summer ever. Lots of trips/activities going on with work. Then many weekends will be spent at the farm since my China sister and her family will be back for a visit in June. Then Germany sister will be here from July-September. It'll be crazy busy, but I'm looking forward to it. :)
And of course, can't forget the state fair!