Thursday, July 16, 2009


last night was a total wash! I am going to have to readjust my intake for my exercise! I was exhausted by 5 & only warmed up leftover spagetti & garlic bread for supper, got the truck cab cleaned out & ready for the weekend, helped Tim dig out the camping totes from the closet we buried them in for the company week, & packed the boat bag, then took a nap -for 3 hrs till bed time! oops!!

ACCOUNTABILITY: NO working out, 96oz of water, 2 dairy, 2 f/v- I am definatly going to amp up my protein & f/v for more energy!! going to make a smoothie today for breakfast.

APPRECIATE: I APPRECIATE the helpers I have that I don't have to micro-manage. I APPRECIATE that Tim is now helping w/camping prep. I APPRECIATE that I was able to get a 3 hr nap in & still sleep all night.

Today we are trying to take a field trip. we got rained out on Tuesday & since the library activities are over, today is as good a day :) its our last day this week w/a helper so I must make the most of it & get some floors cleaned!!

no photos, nothing exciting. just a boring entry today. definately just the facts today.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

a smoothie sounds yum!! :)