Thursday, April 2, 2009

another list

  • I am sore from yoga last night. WOW sore. more sore than ever from yoga. but a different sore than the Wii Fit sore. that is a whole other level! last night we did a balancing routine. I can see where it could really help me -someone w/no balance AT ALL. but ouchie it hurts. she's doing 3 different routines in 3 weeks & then we will vote on them as a class to decide which to follow for the following 7 weeks. eek.
  • another step taken in furthering my education! wow never ever in amillion years did I think I'd say that! I ordered my transcript for the 3 semesters I took of community college after high school. eek.
  • my to do list for today is a mile long-no kidding. & here I sit alternating itty bitties on my lap finding much more entertaining things to do online instead of my list. eek.
  • we are expecting a wintery mix today. its April. come ON!
  • I did not win a SHRED dvd so I will be looking into buying my own this weekend probably when I am looking into getting the kids a yoga dvd.
  • I found a link to the anamalz I've been wanting for a couple of years. now to find a store!
  • I am hoping to start circle time w/the munchkins today. hoping.
  • I am transferring photos from the other day's photo shoot of the kids being crazy to the computer. maybe some will be good enough to share here. maybe tomorrow.
  • I drank 70oz of water yesterday. had 5 servings of fr/veg! (thank goodness for v8)
  • ok both itties are down for a few. I think I'll try that circle time now.


GreenRanchingMom said...

YEAH on the school!!! You Can DOOO It!!! Whatcha wanna be when you grow up??

Unknown said...

grow up? I have to grow up? :(