So now that you know the back story, on to what I learned while in the ER:
- never ever go alone. I might have laid there for quite a while with the orders made but no one following thru if not for Tim leaving the room to go to the bathroom & someone seeing him asking how I was doing & him saying nothing's been done yet.
- if you need something, ask. I was shivering on the bed under a blanket & was strong enough to ask for a second blanket. I almost didn't b/c I thought I'd be out in a few minutes, that would have been a miserable 20.
- tell them when it hurts. the EMS worker that did my IV was quick & on target but gentle he was NOT & was able to adjust as well as aplogize a little when I vocalized how much it hurt.
- don't take it personally when they call your worst pain ever, 'a headache', they can't feel it, they have no idea.
- be patient. someone ahead of you truely might really be critical, blowing a fuse waiting isn't worth it. Tim had a horrible time w/this.
- if you have any questions about the orders, ask. The nurse was terrific with my qusetions about the meds & the dr was great about telling me how much I should have been drinking & told a story about a previous patient's scarey similar condition. He was also great about being honest about how I might feel ok to go to the party but w/in a few hours I'd be back in to see them if I went. (so I didn't go)
- WIERD reactions happen. I was cold & sweating until the fluid was half gone. I can't explain it but when the fluid started, & my arm went cold, I instantly smelled rubbing alcohol.
- they really do want to see you feel better. I happened to be there at the change of EMS shifts. one guy clocked in, heard about me & made me his first stop. He also gets bad headaches & wanted to be sure I had what he would want/need, a blanket & the door closed. I made sure to thank him on the way out.
Oh my gosh!!! Glad you're feeling better, but TAKE IT EASY this week! The chores and flower beds can wait. =)
i'm quite sure your family will understand.
i am speechless.
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