but we still managed fun & productivity!!
Friday night we went to a preschool closing in Des Moines as soon as I was off work. I scored!! I got 6 cots, a child height long picnic table, 10 white plastic stacking baskets (they used as cubbies), an old school iron frame w/2 small steering wheels & a bench attached, a tote of 
stencils & crayons, a floor puzzle, 2 boxes of curriculum, a wooden puzzle, & a big popup play tent w/tunnels!!! all for the low low price of FREE! :) HEHE. gotta love that!! then we went & I picked up a box of lily of the valley from a girl on my plant exchange group, stopped @ home Depot for a few things & from there we went to Cracker Barrel for a late supper. getting home we had to unload the truck so it was ready to load for camping.
Saturday we slept in a bit since it was raining we weren't going straight to the lake. the only other couple going decided not to since the weather was so unpredictable so we agreed. Local Farmer's Market for leeks/onions, radishes, lettuce, & cookies :) was our next stop... from there we got groceries & went home. After Tim patched the next leaky jet & getting a hold of the guy that will replace the o-ring in our tub motor, we decided to go back to Des Moines. With time to burn while waiting on that guy we ate @ Carlos O'Kelly's then went to another Home Depot & SHOPPED. I got some petunias, vinca & ivy to redo my hanging pots from last year, potting soil, THESE deck pillows (hehe total splurge),
we picked out a ceiling light, switch & outlet covers, can of spray texture(for spots on the ceiling that are funky), & bigger table saw for cutting the tile for the bathroom. SHOPPER'S HIGH (so thankful for that 12 months no interest dealie!!) then we made a couple of other stops then dropped the motor off & headed home EXHAUSTED! After unloading the van Justin & Misty called & we all decided to go to Decatur to Poor Boy's to Lacey's birthday party. FUN!!! TIME!!! hopefully she'll follow requests & get her photos on kodak for me as I ran her camera all night LOL
TODAY..was alittle rough to start!! I woke to HAIL going crazy!! then realized in addition to the hail I had a screaming headache! medicated I started cooking breakfast then I got started on the planting as it was obvious Tim wasn't moving from the couch for a while I figured I'd get alittle planted & atleast say I was working on them :)
3 hours later I was done! SO MUCH FUN IN THIS LITTLE SET UP!! he only checked on me a couple of times but other than a momentary 'are you still planting?' I got to work in silence AHHHHHH LOOOOOVED IT!! I did 4 hanging pots, 2 sitting pots, a bucket, & my bench planter w/the petunias, vinca & ivy. then put some ivy on the ground under a trellis, the lily of the valley along the end of the back flower bed under the window & some along one panel of the privacy fence, planted a redish plant (coral bells??) in the front flower bed & moved a sunburnt hosta from back to front, trans planted an inside plant to a bigger pot & moved it outside. Then
I put the hooks in the deck roof frame & hung my 2 strings of party lights (just need another string & drop cord & we are good to go there!).
knowing I had this much to type & photos to add, I decided to sit & type it up tonight instead of trying to do it in bits & pieces tomorrow w/distraction :) besides, the laundry is getting done better this way too!!
i need to weed my flower bed - its really bad! i wish i had your drive!!
caffeine, sunshine & silence :) I was in heaven! but I had my sights set way low & just kept going. so maybe mark a spot & decide you'll stop there.. just giving myself permission not to finish a whole project helps me finish the project LOL
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