I had a huge post going w/tons of photos but think I am going to trash it & go w/a summary post w/a few photos then I can go back & do groupings & post about them when I have nothing else to talk about :)

SOOOOOOOOOO it was a FABULOUS WEEKEND!!! OMG. launching Friday afternoon was SUPER!! 70-78 degrees IN the water on Memorial Weekend is UNHEARD OF! so wonderful.

Tim & I managed to get out of town about 9 Friday

morning! checked into the cabin & decided to ask for a larger one so we had enough beds for all instead of making some pitch a tent. After switching cabins we got lunch from the Landing mmmmm mmm good... then napped. Justin & Misty got there, & settled & we hit the lake!!
Justin hooked these 3 tires w/his anchor! it was so funny to see him pull them up!!

GORGEOUS sunset!!! love this photo - just might be my favorite of the weekend!
Shayne & Nicki & the kids.... SO CUTE!! 
Nicki said she needed new photos for her new OFFICE (YAY NICKI) & I would be flattered if she used these :)

Lance & Val got Troy & Lois's boat so there was a new toy to be played w/.

Jeff &
Bethany-ummm words escape me @ the momen
t ;)
driving home in the rain sure beat getting rained on all weekend long!!
1 comment:
your picture make me super ecxited for when we go to the lake at the end of june. yay cant wait!!
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