I have a list of changes to make for next year! but this year was a success for a FIRST. :)
8 total attendants, 10 paid, should have kept a total of pages scrapped for the weekend.. I do know Saturday's biggie was a 10 count & Sunday's was 13 so there was SOME SERIOUS SCRAPPING GOING ON!!!!
FRIDAY night finished loading what was packed then ran around collecting the last minute donations -bottled water, ice cream & a pizza certificate. then unloaded & Set up @ the community center--Mom, Katie, Gma, Lisa & Ronda either set up orjust dropped off stuff.
SATURDAY up too early for a weekend ;) but hit the ground running!!grabbed some more stuff to scrap w/, ran to Hy-Vee to collect breakfast-to walmart for cocoa mix, foam cups, & string cheese, then met gpa @ the center to unlock doors. Finished setting up, ate breakfast w/Gpa & Katie joined us. was fun! started scrapping. Gma came, then Annie then Lisa then Ronda. we had a RIOT! it my cheeks STILL hurt from laughing! lots of lessons learned & things to alter for next year. we did various things for lunch, won some door prizes, did somepages.. high count was 13 & that was Sunday alone, 10 was the high count on Saturday. I did 8 over the whole weekend :) I finally left shortly after 8, came home showered & crashed.
SUNDAY up a bit later, sorted out some more stuff to scrap (that I didn't end up needing LOL) then up to meet Gpa again. Mom & Katie came then the other girls + Denise. as we were working Tawny stopped in to say she couldn't scrap but she still donated her registration fee. SO SWEET! gave away the rest of the door prizes(I did get some they didn't want) & drew for the big bag munched & scrapped all day. used Subway GC for lunch for the 4 of us that were there. YUM only snapped a few photos over the weekend.. busy.. but not UNCOMFORTABLY so ... the girls started leaving around 2 & 4ish I started packing up. finally made it out & home to unload around 6 LOL ran all over w/Tim looking for a freaking ball for the truck that I found out later that we can buy for $5! gaaaa just flipping buy one!! scrapped during DH & B&S. LOVED THEM BOTH. & slept thru an apparant thunderstorm we had early this morning/over night LOL
I need to get started on those thank yous this evening!!!
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