WAY MORE RELAXED TODAY!!! the visit is over! they were in & out in 2 hrs... & our county nurse-Kelly is going on Vaca today so I won't get my action plan for a couple of weeks but that is ok w/me. :) b/c an action plan=action & I am so ready for NO action for a bit. She did call to let me know that my highchairs had been recalled so I called & ordered repair kits for them. simple fix!! ALOT of it is simple fixes!! love that! heading the list are hanging sheetrock over the covered insulation on the wall that's been exposed since last july when the basement flooded-yea that should havebeen done ALONG time ago but we were worried it would flood again & need redone again..well 12 months of dryness is probably a good clue it is good to hang ;) another easy fix is to get rid of the baby swing that is missing the safety straps-we don't even use it LOL ok ... enough babble. (I have to remember all of these visits are volunteer as in *I* volunteered for them, to be on the Iowa QRScale. sometimes its easier to whine & complain than to remember that)
I am keeping my Creative Memories party open until Friday even tho I kept saying Wednesday. I am way to close to my goal to close it already! (your order might be just tohe one I need ;) but no pressure LOL) on other scrapping fronts...I am in full swing 'planning SCRAP PINK' mode! looking for venders to set up tables. STACEY- would you want to put candles/books out for H&GP?? LMK. I am also looking @ shirts on the pink ribbon site to order since I can't find the scrap pink shirt site specifically. I don't think anyone will mind.. a 'pink' shirt is a 'pink' shirt.
We are attending an annual tubing trip this weekend. I just hope the water is holding its daytime temp w/these cool evenings it could be way too chilly to be fun!! its JULY in IOWA! we are not to worry about such things as cool water & extra blankets @ bedtime! sheesh
Today we are planning a 2nd field trip for the week! they earned it yesterday w/the nurses here they were GREAT FOR RACHEL!! thank goodness b/c I want out of here too :)Last night Tim decided to mow the old property -which hadn't been done in so long it could have been raked & baled!! lol so I went w/& played in the garden. I pulled weeds I had let grow under the combo panels (they weren't hurting anything as teh cukes/beans that were supposed to be there-weren't so I just didn't bother b4) as well as picked 3 cukes, & took inventory of all of his developing peppers! WOW TONS!! we might have tomoatoes & peppers to trade for grean beans by next weekend.
this photo was taken last visit right after I weeded & he tilled. its 1/2 the size of what we planted but w/our wet spring we lost all of the corn, green beans & watermelon.
Tomatoes to trade for some beef???
Hi Kim! Yay for a short visit with easy fixes!! I would certainly consider setting up a table for Scrap Pink! I need to make sure Ron isn't working or that I'm able to find someone to watch the kids if he is...so let me know a date and I will try to work it into our calendar. Enjoy your field trip you and the kids earned it!
I am blog comment illiterate...
Not really anonymous--Stacey
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