YAY FOR YOGA!! love Wednesdays!!
Tuesday is Dart night @ the local Eagles-last year it meant I had a quiet night @ home while Tim played. This year I am his partner. so now it means I am gone from home Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. it may be my only fresh air I get when the weather freezes up, it will give me some adult interaction other than online (not that online is bad LOL) & it means I will get out of dishes atleast one night LOL whohoooooooo we had a good time last night!
Gus got me up @4 today & decided I was awake-may as well catch up on tv I missed last night & Monday.. so I watched NCIS on the DVR then the Samantha Who? I missed Monday. then came to work & watched The Mentalist online as the children were coming in. all caught up now -- some laundry to carry up & put away, the dishwasher is running so it will need tended later but other than that I think we are doing pretty good for this time of the morning!
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