It has been a while.. I haven't really felt the writing bug... I love to read but rarely comment on others' blogs ... I don't really post anything original on Facebook either,mostly shares or Iowa Food Coop news.... Let's just wing this first one...

I have been a scrapping FOOL! I completed my 2015 December Daily after getting a good start at it at my favorite scrapping crop in January. Since then, I have 2015 complete, just need to borrow my mom's fuse tool then all the pages can go in their covers! 2014 is closing in as well. I am currently waiting on the 7 8x10s I ordered last week, picking up more pocket pages on March 12th & then I will be back in business. When 2014 is complete & in the covers, I will attack 2013, never fear; I am diligently keeping 2016 current as I go, or will when I get pocket pages on the 12th, but January is printed & February is in my cart for payday. DID YOU KNOW that the Shutterfly app lets you get unlimited FREE 4x6 or 4x4s?!?! currently I have 100ish in a combo of the sizes in my cart for the $10.xx shipping! WHOOOOOOOT!! gotta love FREE, even if I emailed them w/a list of things to check into after my 3rd shipment-yes they have had this freebie sale since December, wait, maybe Just January 1 but STILLLLLLLL that's a long time for freebies. Not that I am complaining, just sayin'. If you have an account, get the app & get yourself some freebies :) Also, I just cashed in on their 16 year anniversary $16 code to get half off my 8x10 order. I rarely order from Shutterfly when there isn't a code of SOME kind.
My phone says it is 55 outside but it feels amazing compared to the gusty icy wind we fought yesterday so I have 4 windows & 3 doors open airing the place OUT.
I have been eating entirely too much junk food, drinking too much coffee & not enough water. BLAH I am so ready for winter to be bye-bye. As I stuff more Lay's potato chips into my mouth... & think about the last 2 girl scout cookies upstairs. Guess this Garmin I got for Christmas isn't keeping me nearly as accountable as I had hoped..
I don't think I have read a book yet this year... heading over to to find out...Oh I guess i read 3 in January.. good easy chic lits.. my favorites.
We got our taxes done & filed Saturday.. hoping someday to not look forward to that 'refund' quite so much.. this year we have a couple of big plans for it. I will update when they actually happen.

In November I was introduced to LulaRoe clothes. oh goodness these are the softest leggings I have ever touched. I bought one pair & the yellow shirt at that November party, wearing them for Thanksgiving (x2), the Home Free concert in early December & every other weekend since then. The week before my birthday, a childcare family gifted me the red & pink heart ones which I wore every weekend after that minus the past 2. One of those, I went back to the pair from November with a black shirt I bought with these blue+yellow leggings I wore the other weekend. They are so soft & comfy, its like wearing pajamas I can wear out in public. I am having a party for some more goodies March 19th.

our 13 y/o kitty has gone blind in one eye. I am just thankful it went slowly enough that he was able to learn to accommodate it & hasn't lost any mobility. Still jumps the baby gate to get in & out of the room w/his litter & food, jumps onto the deck rail & continues up the garage roof for an over all view of the neighborhood & runs at full speed around the house at unexpected times of day.
We had a super sunny day with no school a couple of weeks ago & for the afternoon, I only had 2 bigs, so after we got my weekly groceries, we hit the park where they played & ran & yelled for over an hour before they asked to go home. I cannot wait for every Friday to be park days again.

How is that for a super crazy, scattered, stream of consciousness, catch up post?